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Welcome to The Central High Broncho Bands Page!


Incoming 6-12th Grade students MUST have physicals and all OSSAA forms filled out BEFORE Summer Band events.


Band Calendar

***Dates Disclaimer***

Some of these are tentative dates. This is an approximate calendar. I will do my best to update you all as soon as dates change, or events come up. I will try to give a minimum two weeks’ notice for each event so students or parents may ask off of work.

We will rehearse every Friday after school and before football games. Rehearsal will start at 3:40.

We will have evening rehearsals on most Tuesdays from 6:00-8:30. Students are NOT allowed to stay after school until rehearsal.

Drumline will rehearse once a week either before or after school in the band room. Day TBD

Each section is expected to have a weekly sectional. These are student ran by section leaders. Sectionals can take place at any location decided upon by the section, but if the band room is the location of choice, it must be cleared with Ms. Levendosky first.

There will also occasionally be times where students are asked to show up before school or stay after for sectional work (i.e. drumline rehearsal, low brass, etc.)

Events Required for 7-12th Grade 

Events Required for 6th Grade

Events students had to qualify for


January 10-11 - Shortgrass Honor Band Clinic

January 15-19 - OKMEA All-State

January 25 - SWOSU Saxophone Day (Weatherford)

January 31-February 1 - SWOBDA Honor Band Clinic

February 5 - SWOSU Music Major for a Day (Weatherford) [Juniors & Seniors Only]

February 9 - SWOSU Flute Day (Weatherford)

February 11 - SCOBDA Pre-District Band Contest (Lone Grove)

February 13-15 - OSSBDA Clinic

February 14 - SWOSU Jazz Festival (Weatherford)

February 19-20 - OSSAA Pre-District Band Contest (Elk City)

February 22 - OSSAA District Solo & Ensemble Contest (Weatherford)

March 4-5 - OSSAA District Band Contest (Elk City)

March 28-29 - ECU Percussion Days

April 4 - OSSAA State Band Contest

April 10 - Route 66 Honor Band (Clinton)

April 22-24 - OSSAA State Solo & Ensemble Contest (Stillwater)

May 4 - Spring Concert


District Calendar

Today's Events